The Daily Quick Crossword overview

Play The Daily Quick Crossword online for free. This is a game in a series of classic crossword puzzles to help stimulate and develop the thinking of the brain. The Daily Quick Crossword is a great way to hone and improve your vocabulary, improve problem-solving skills and bring more joy into your life. The Daily Quick Crossword with challenges waiting for promises to bring you exciting rounds every day of the week.

In addition, in the crossword puzzles, you can customize the game to your liking. You can play against the timer, get help with clues to solve tricky crosswords, or solve whole crosswords in challenging rounds!

How to play The Daily Quick Crossword

Whether you are a casual player or a novice, The Daily Quick Crossword has all levels of experience

Entering Words

To enter a word, simply click on the square in which you want to begin typing. The color of the selected square will appear in yellow. The corresponding clue will be highlighted in a box, and

the clue for any intersecting word will also appear in black.

Browsing Clues

Use the two scroll bars to the right of the clues to scroll up and down the clues.

‘Restore’ Button

Clicking on this button will clear all the answers you have entered in this session, restoring the crossword to the initial version.

‘Check’ Button

Clicking on this button will show any squares containing incorrect letters.

‘Reveal Letter’ Button

Clicking on this button will insert the correct letter for the currently selected square.

‘Reveal Word’ Button

Clicking on this button will insert the correct answer for the currently selected clue.

‘Solution’ Button

Clicking on this button will display the complete crossword solution.

Printable Crossword

If you prefer to solve the crossword the old-fashioned way with pencil and paper, click on the Printable Crossword link, and print out that page from your browser.


The optional timer may be used to monitor the time it takes you to solve the crossword. If required, the timer may be dragged to a different position on the screen.

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